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Showing posts with label mobile-telecom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile-telecom. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Getting started with React Native and Redux

This article is a simple step-by-step of how to start a project with React Native and Redux.
Source Code (Branch init)


Following the path of its excellent web brother, I recommend the use of the create-react-native-app to bootstrap your new project. This one configures all the build tools necessary to create a React Native app, and gives you some excellent Expo integrations.
First thing to do is to install CLI tool with
npm install -g create-react-native-app
Now, run the following command with the name you want to give to your project
react-native init my_awesome_app
Go forward to the new folder, and run
react-native run-android

Friday, March 1, 2019

Announcing the Ionic React Beta

How to Get Started with React & Ionic?

Getting started is quite simple. Begin first with create-react-app, because we want you to use Ionic with React in the most familiar way. We also recommend using TypeScript in your app, something we recently wrote about on our blog if you need tips. While this is not required, we mention it because Ionic React ships with TypeScript type definitions, and it makes for an excellent developer experience.
 npx create-react-app my-ionic-app --typescript
 cd my-ionic-app

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD), sometimes referred to as "Quick Codes" or "Feature codes", is a communications protocol used by GSM cellular telephones to communicate with the mobile network operator's computers. USSD can be used for WAPbrowsing, prepaid callback service, mobile-money services, location-based content services, menu-based information services, and as part of configuring the phone on the network.[1]
USSD messages are up to 182 alphanumeric characters long. Unlike Short Message Service (SMS) messages, USSD messages create a real-time connection during a USSD session. The connection remains open, allowing a two-way exchange of a sequence of data. This makes USSD more responsive than services that use SMS.[1]  (extract from Unstructured Supplementary Service Data).

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Web Apps in WebView

To deliver a web application or some web pages as a part of an android client application, you can do it using WebView.
The WebView class is an extension of Android's View class that allows you to display web pages as a part of your activity layout. It does not include web browser, navigation controls or an address bar,.. just web page content.
WebView can be used to display static document that's hosted online.
WebView can also be used to build dynamic data for users.

How to get started with WebView ? How to do some additional things, such as handle page navigation and bind JavaScript from your web page to client-side code in your Android application.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Các dạng khác nhau của ứng dụng mobile

3 dạng khác nhau của ứng dụng mobile

There are three different forms in which an application can reach a user on the mobile platform. They are as follows:
  • Native apps: Native apps are purely specific to the target mobile platform. They are developed in the platform-supported languages and are very much tied to underlying SDKs. For iOS, applications are developed in Objective-C and are dependent on iOS SDK; similarly, for the Android platform, they are developed in Java and are dependent on Android SDK.
  •, also known as mobile website, on the other hand, is a mini version of your web application that loads on the browsers of your mobile devices. On iOS devices, it can be Safari or Chrome, and on Android devices, it can be the Android default browser or Chrome. For example, on your iOS or Android device, open your browser and type in Before the page loads, you will observe that a URL redirection happens from to Facebook application servers realize that the request has originated from a mobile device and start servicing its mobile site rather than the regular desktop site.

    These m.sites use JavaScript and HTML5 to be developed just as your normal web applications.
  • Hybrid apps: The Hybrid app is a combination of the native app and web app. When you develop a native app, some parts of it load HTML web pages into the app trying to make the user feel he/she is using a native application. They generally use WebViews in native apps to load the web pages.

Available software tools for automation test

In order to automate the testing of your applications on mobile devices, there are
many software tools available. The following are some of the tools that are built
based on Selenium WebDriver:

  • AndroidDriver: This driver is a direct implementation of WebDriver, which is similar to FirefoxDriver, IEDriver, and so on. It acts as the client library with which your test script interacts. Its server side is the AndroidWebDriver that is installed on the device, or the emulator and executes all the test script commands that gets forwarded from AndroidDriver.
  • iPhoneDriver: This driver works very similar to AndroidDriver, but only on iOS platforms. In order to use it, you need to set up a server on the simulator or on the device. iPhoneDriver, however, is no longer supported and is deprecated.
  • iOSDriver: As the name says, this driver is used for automating native, hybrid, and applications on iOS platforms. It uses native UI Automation libraries to automate on the iOS platform. For the test scripts, all this is transparent because it can still continue to use the WebDriver API in its favorite client language bindings. The test script communicates with the iOS Driver using the JSON wire protocol. However, if you want to execute your test scripts against the Android platform, you cannot use this driver.
  • Selendroid: This driver is similar to iOSDriver and can execute your native, hybrid, and application test scripts on the Android platform. It uses the native UI Automator library provided by Google. The test scripts communicate with the Selendroid driver over the JSON wire protocol while using its favorite client language bindings.
  • Appium: This is another tool that can let you execute your test scripts against Android and iOS platforms without your having to change the underlying driver. Appium can also work with Firefox OS platforms. In the rest of the chapter, we will see how we can work with Appium.
From: Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide by Satya Avasarala

Kiến trúc ứng dụng Hybrid:

=> Tóm lại hybrid app có 1 số tính chất như sau:

  • Đóng gói app để đem sử dụng giống như ứng dụng Native device APIs vì nó nằm trong một ứng dụng native mobile app.
  • Nó không hoàn toàn giống với native mobile application bởi vì quá trình kết xuất hiển thị data thông qua một WebView thay vì native UI android và cũng không giống 100% với ứng dụng Web-based ở desktop vì nó cũng không hẳn là Web apps (m site).
  • WebView được dùng để view html/css từ local và remote;
  • Dùng native app wrapper dùng để giao tiếp giữa WebView app với native device platform.
  • Framework điển hình là Ionic

Với sự ra đời của React Native + Nativescript + Flutter, một dạng ứng dụng mobile khác (dạng thứ 4) được gọi là "Cross-platform mobile apps".
Cross-platform mobile apps dùng một ngôn ngữ trung gian ví dụ Javascript,
đây là ngôn ngữ chung của mọi chuẩn nền, được dùng cả ở iOS & Android. Cross-platform apps có khác với các ứng dụng HTML5 hybrid ở chỗ
hybrid apps luôn tích hợp một sự kết hợp giữa native app với những khái niệm
trong mobile app và web.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Using an ArrayAdapter with ListView

Android ListView:
ListView in Android is an UI control that display a list of items and can be scrolled through them by user. The items can be image list,text list, or any other type.
To use it > Select the ListView container  from  Palette into a  main.xml file.
Android Adapters
are the link between a set of data and the AdapterView that displays the data.
In Android development, any time we want to show a vertical list of scrollable items we will use a ListView which has data populated using an Adapter. The simplest adapter to use is called anArrayAdapter because the adapter converts an ArrayList of objects into View items loaded into the ListView container.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Mobile Concept

Telecommunications, also called telecommunication, is the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means. A complete, single telecommunications circuit consists of two stations, each equipped with a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter and receiver at any station may be combined into a single device called a transceiver. The medium of signal transmission can be electrical wire or cable (also known as "copper"), optical fiber orelectromagnetic fields. The free-space transmission and reception of data by means of electromagntetic fields is called wireless.

Một số lĩnh vực hoạt động của viễn thông:
  • Dịch vụ thoại (cố định, di động,..), Dịch vụ truyền dữ liệu (ví dụ ADSL), Video Conference, TiVi Internet, hạ tầng mạng viễn thông cho dịch vụ Internet băng thông rộng, vệ tinh, các sản phẩm/dịch vụ viễn thông, Internet khác
  • Dịch vụ giá trị gia tăng trên mạng Internet, điện thoại di động
  • Dịch vụ tin nhắn, dữ liệu, thông tin giải trí trên mạng điện thoại di động
  • Cung cấp trò chơi trực tuyến trên mạng Internet, điện thoại di động
  • Buôn bán thiết bị viễn thông và Internet.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hello Mobile Web

What’s a Mobile Web App?
 A mobile web app is an application that is built with the core client web technologies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is specifically designed for mobile devices. Helping mobile web apps get a bit of attention are the trends toward HTML5 and CSS3—the latest “versions” of two of the technologies. We explore both HTML5 and CSS3 in detail in the book, along with a lot of JavaScript.

JavaScript is the language that many developers love to hate. Some don’t even regard it as a programming language at all. However, JavaScript is here for the long haul, and is likely to be one of the most in demand skillsets for the next five years.

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