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Showing posts with label Java EE Portal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java EE Portal. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Jakarta EE and JSF 2.x

Jakarta EE

In September 2017, Oracle announced its intention to transition Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation. Java EE has since been rebranded to Jakarta EE, and JSF 2.3 (Eclipse Mojarra) has been adopted for continuation. The next major release of the JSF specification will be Eclipse Mojarra 3.0. (source from JavaWorld).

Friday, August 31, 2018

ZK - Difference Between @load,@save,@bind

Can someone please explain me the difference between @load,@save,@bind with an example, i have read about them but i got more confused about the basic difference between them. they all look and work in somewhat same manner.
what does it mean when i write something like below
<textbox value="@load(vm.address.streatName)"/>
<datebox value="@save(vm.trip.leaveDate)"/>
<label value="@bind("/>
thanks in advance

Sunday, July 23, 2017

datatables -

1-Datatables trong spring mvc


DataTables operates on the principle of progressive enhancement, whereby an enhanced and interactive table will be presented to the end user if their browser has the required capabilities. When you initialise the jQuery.dataTable object, information about the table is read directly from the HTML page. In combination with the default values for the features in DataTables, this makes it very easy to integrate directly into your web-site or web-application. Optionally, you can use the initialisation parameters to load data from locations other than the DOM, such as a server-side processing script or an Ajax obtained JSON file.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

JSTL 1.2

1-JSTL Check Equals, not equals

JSTL Check Equals(==), not equals(!=) explains about how to use logical conditions(equals, not equals etc) with JSTL tag
Consider a JSP Page where you need to check a value whether it is equals or not equals and process accordingly, in that scenario,  you can follow this example.
On the following table, I am showing 2 different ways (Method 1 & Method 2), you can achieve equals & not equals in JSTL 
Logical operationJSTL Method 1JSTL Method 2
Not EqualsNe!=
Required Libraries
You need to download
  1. Tomcat 7
  2. JSTL 1.2
Following jar must be in classpath
  1. jstl-1.2.jar

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Struts2 AngularJS integration

In this post, we will learn to implement AJAX calls from a JSP page to a Struts 2 Action class using AngularJS and update the same JSP page back with the Json response from the Struts 2.

Library Required

Since Angular can send and receive only in json format, to handle it you need struts2-json-plugin-2.x.x.jar. This plugin allows you to serialize the Action class attribute which has getter and setter into a JSON object.

Struts2 AngularJS Insert Operation


As for the user interface, rather than Bootstrap, we'll use materialize CSS – a modern responsive front-end framework based mostly additionally on Google’s Material design.


Knowing the file structure can offer us an outline of what Struts2 files can we need to create and wherever the assets should be placed.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Struts2 vs Struts1

1. Khái quát chung

2. Struts1

The framework just uses one instance of it and only one instance is used to process all incoming requests, care must be taken not to do something with in the Action class that is not thread safe. From the javadoc:
Actions must be programmed in a thread-safe manner, because the controller will share the same instance for multiple simultaneous requests. This means you should design with the following items in mind:
  1. Instance and static variables MUST NOT be used to store information related to the state of a particular request. They MAY be used to share global resources across requests for the same action.
  2. Access to other resources (JavaBeans, session variables, etc.) MUST be synchronized if those resources require protection. (Generally, however, resource classes should be designed to provide their own protection where necessary.

This is what the official Apache Struts page says :
Struts 1 Actions are singletons and must be thread-safe since there will only be one instance of a class to handle all requests for that Action. The singleton strategy places restrictions on what can be done with Struts 1 Actions and requires extra care to develop. Action resources must be thread-safe or synchronized.

3. Struts2

4. Tham khảo:

Struts 2 Architecture and Flow
Introduction to the Struts Web Framework
Overview of Struts
Struts document home
Struts Architecture and life-cycle
Struts1 document

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 4.0

The Spring Framework was first released in 2004; since then there have been significant major revisions: Spring 2.0 provided XML namespaces and AspectJ support; Spring 2.5 embraced annotation-driven configuration; Spring 3.0 introduced a strong Java 5+ foundation across the framework codebase, and features such as the Java-based @Configuration model.
Version 4.0 is the latest major release of the Spring Framework and the first to fully support Java 8 features. You can still use Spring with older versions of Java, however, the minimum requirement has now been raised to Java SE 6. We have also taken the opportunity of a major release to remove many deprecated classes and methods.
A migration guide for upgrading to Spring 4.0 is available on the Spring Framework GitHub Wiki.

1 Improved Getting Started Experience

The new website provides a whole series of "Getting Started" guides to help you learn Spring. You can read more about the guides in the Chapter 1, Getting Started with Spring section in this document. The new website also provides a comprehensive overview of the many additional projects that are released under the Spring umbrella.
If you are a Maven user you may also be interested in the helpful bill of materials POM file that is now published with each Spring Framework release.

2 Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods

All deprecated packages, and many deprecated classes and methods have been removed with version 4.0. If you are upgrading from a previous release of Spring, you should ensure that you have fixed any deprecated calls that you were making to outdated APIs.
For a complete set of changes, check out the API Differences Report.
Note that optional third-party dependencies have been raised to a 2010/2011 minimum (i.e. Spring 4 generally only supports versions released in late 2010 or later now): notably, Hibernate 3.6+, EhCache 2.1+, Quartz 1.8+, Groovy 1.8+, and Joda-Time 2.0+. As an exception to the rule, Spring 4 requires the recent Hibernate Validator 4.3+, and support for Jackson has been focused on 2.0+ now (with Jackson 1.8/1.9 support retained for the time being where Spring 3.2 had it; now just in deprecated form).

3 Java 8 (as well as 6 and 7)

Spring Framework 4.0 provides support for several Java 8 features. You can make use of lambda expressions and method references with Spring’s callback interfaces. There is first-class support for java.time (JSR-310), and several existing annotations have been retrofitted as @Repeatable. You can also use Java 8’s parameter name discovery (based on the -parameters compiler flag) as an alternative to compiling your code with debug information enabled.
Spring remains compatible with older versions of Java and the JDK: concretely, Java SE 6 (specifically, a minimum level equivalent to JDK 6 update 18, as released in January 2010) and above are still fully supported. However, for newly started development projects based on Spring 4, we recommend the use of Java 7 or 8.

4 Java EE 6 and 7

Java EE version 6 or above is now considered the baseline for Spring Framework 4, with the JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 specifications being of particular relevance. In order to remain compatible with Google App Engine and older application servers, it is possible to deploy a Spring 4 application into a Servlet 2.5 environment. However, Servlet 3.0+ is strongly recommended and a prerequisite in Spring’s test and mock packages for test setups in development environments.
If you are a WebSphere 7 user, be sure to install the JPA 2.0 feature pack. On WebLogic 10.3.4 or higher, install the JPA 2.0 patch that comes with it. This turns both of those server generations into Spring 4 compatible deployment environments.
On a more forward-looking note, Spring Framework 4.0 supports the Java EE 7 level of applicable specifications now: in particular, JMS 2.0, JTA 1.2, JPA 2.1, Bean Validation 1.1, and JSR-236 Concurrency Utilities. As usual, this support focuses on individual use of those specifications, e.g. on Tomcat or in standalone environments. However, it works equally well when a Spring application is deployed to a Java EE 7 server.
Note that Hibernate 4.3 is a JPA 2.1 provider and therefore only supported as of Spring Framework 4.0. The same applies to Hibernate Validator 5.0 as a Bean Validation 1.1 provider. Neither of the two are officially supported with Spring Framework 3.2.

5 Groovy Bean Definition DSL

Beginning with Spring Framework 4.0, it is possible to define external bean configuration using a Groovy DSL. This is similar in concept to using XML bean definitions but allows for a more concise syntax. Using Groovy also allows you to easily embed bean definitions directly in your bootstrap code. For example:
def reader = new GroovyBeanDefinitionReader(myApplicationContext)
reader.beans {
    dataSource(BasicDataSource) {
        driverClassName = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
        url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:grailsDB"
        username = "sa"
        password = ""
        settings = [mynew:"setting"]
    sessionFactory(SessionFactory) {
        dataSource = dataSource
    myService(MyService) {
        nestedBean = { AnotherBean bean ->
            dataSource = dataSource
For more information consult the GroovyBeanDefinitionReader javadocs.

6 Core Container Improvements

There have been several general improvements to the core container:
  • Spring now treats generic types as a form of qualifier when injecting Beans. For example, if you are using a Spring Data Repository you can now easily inject a specific implementation: @Autowired Repository<Customer> customerRepository.
  • If you use Spring’s meta-annotation support, you can now develop custom annotations that expose specific attributes from the source annotation.
  • Beans can now be ordered when they are autowired into lists and arrays. Both the @Order annotation and Ordered interface are supported.
  • The @Lazy annotation can now be used on injection points, as well as on @Bean definitions.
  • The @Description annotation has been introduced for developers using Java-based configuration.
  • A generalized model for conditionally filtering beans has been added via the @Conditional annotation. This is similar to @Profile support but allows for user-defined strategies to be developed programmatically.
  • CGLIB-based proxy classes no longer require a default constructor. Support is provided via the objenesis library which is repackaged inline and distributed as part of the Spring Framework. With this strategy, no constructor at all is being invoked for proxy instances anymore.
  • There is managed time zone support across the framework now, e.g. on LocaleContext.

7 General Web Improvements

Deployment to Servlet 2.5 servers remains an option, but Spring Framework 4.0 is now focused primarily on Servlet 3.0+ environments. If you are using the Spring MVC Test Framework you will need to ensure that a Servlet 3.0 compatible JAR is in your test classpath.
In addition to the WebSocket support mentioned later, the following general improvements have been made to Spring’s Web modules:

8 WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP Messaging

A new spring-websocket module provides comprehensive support for WebSocket-based, two-way communication between client and server in web applications. It is compatible with JSR-356, the Java WebSocket API, and in addition provides SockJS-based fallback options (i.e. WebSocket emulation) for use in browsers that don’t yet support the WebSocket protocol (e.g. Internet Explorer < 10).
A new spring-messaging module adds support for STOMP as the WebSocket sub-protocol to use in applications along with an annotation programming model for routing and processing STOMP messages from WebSocket clients. As a result an @Controller can now contain both @RequestMapping and @MessageMapping methods for handling HTTP requests and messages from WebSocket-connected clients. The new spring-messaging module also contains key abstractions formerly from the Spring Integration project such as Message, MessageChannel, MessageHandler, and others to serve as a foundation for messaging-based applications.
For further details, including a more thorough introduction, see the Chapter 26, WebSocket Support section.

9 Testing Improvements

In addition to pruning of deprecated code within the spring-test module, Spring Framework 4.0 introduces several new features for use in unit and integration testing.
  • Almost all annotations in the spring-test module (e.g., @ContextConfiguration, @WebAppConfiguration, @ContextHierarchy, @ActiveProfiles, etc.) can now be used as meta-annotations to create custom composed annotations and reduce configuration duplication across a test suite.
  • Active bean definition profiles can now be resolved programmatically, simply by implementing a custom ActiveProfilesResolver and registering it via the resolver attribute of @ActiveProfiles.
  • A new SocketUtils class has been introduced in the spring-core module which enables you to scan for free TCP and UDP server ports on localhost. This functionality is not specific to testing but can prove very useful when writing integration tests that require the use of sockets, for example tests that start an in-memory SMTP server, FTP server, Servlet container, etc.
  • As of Spring 4.0, the set of mocks in the org.springframework.mock.web package is now based on the Servlet 3.0 API. Furthermore, several of the Servlet API mocks (e.g., MockHttpServletRequest, MockServletContext, etc.) have been updated with minor enhancements and improved configurability. 

A little resume of new features is the following:

  • Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods
  • Java 8 Support
  • Java EE 6 and 7 become the baseline
  • Groovy Bean Definition DSL
  • Core Container Improvements
  • General Web Improvements
  • WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP Messaging
  • Testing Improvements with extreme use of annotations
Take also a look to Spring MVC Test Tutorial by Petri Kainulainen that can give you a lot of informations about testing.

Monday, April 11, 2016

eXo Platform Database Guide with JBoss/Tomcat

By default, eXo Platform uses HSQL and you do not need any configuration to make it work. Follow this chapter only when you need to use another RDBMS.
Assuredly you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Sybase, DB2. Optimistically any SQL database that provides a JDBC compliant driver can be used.
In this chapter:

Selenium in Juzu portlets

The JuZcret application is now finished, but our project is not perfect
All through the previous blog posts, we have neglected to tell you about Unit Test, and this certainly is not a good practice.
The reason is that we wanted to keep you focused on a specific topic during each step. That’s why it’s only during this last step that we’ll talk about Unit Test in Juzu.
The good news is that Juzu allows you to leverage Selenium easily to simulate a real application while taking advantage of the speed of JUnit.
So it’s time to write Unit Test for our JuZcret portlet. The portlet will be deployed to an embedded portlet container. Selenium WebDriver will help to simulate almost all user interactions with the application, and then Arquillian will help to integrate with JUnit.

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