Nowadays I hear so much from Internet about Dart language so that today at the weekend I will go skimly Dart language on Google search.

I found some good sites such as, and I understood that Google Dart is a new programming language from Google that is used to build mobile applications, web applications, Internet of Things (IoT), advertisements, and so on.

The most famous framework that use Dart language is Flutter framework for mobile app development that can run on iOS, Android, etc. 

I see that Dart syntax learned much from Java8, RxJS, Typescript and add/update some differences to improve from Java.

Dart examples can run  in DartPad, an interactive, browser-based tool OR Visual Studio Code with the Dart Code extension

Dart uses the following tools:

  • stagehand - provide templates for creating Dart apps
  • pub - package manager for Dart

Install dart on Windows:

You can install the Dart SDK using Chocolatey.

To install the Dart SDK:

C:\> choco install dart-sdk

To upgrade the Dart SDK:

C:\> choco upgrade dart-sdk

Another method is that The SDK can be  installed by installing Flutter from

Here is the log from install dart progress using Chocolatey:

Open new terminal on windows, type something like this

C:\Users\Admin>dart --version
Dart SDK version: 2.9.2 (stable) (Wed Aug 26 12:44:28 2020 +0200) on "windows_x64"

As the result, Dart language was installed on windows and fluter is also installed at C:\src\flutter folder

Angular Dart:

is the same as standard Angular but It uses Dart language instead of Typescript.

First comment:

Because a new programming language is borned, it needs time to provide much features to response various needs from productions in life. So in the next 5 years, Dart may be success in following fields:
  • Firstly, Flutter will get market share from React Native
  • Secondly, Web front-end such as Flutter-Web dart will be applied more and more
  • Thirdly, Dart will be used to build successfull an IoT server that will be high performance in IoT field ?
  • Dart will be applied much in advertisements, marketing
Dart will not overcome Java in following field:
  • Back-end app: Dart cannot win Java which has many availalbe opensource projects that respone for various needs and demands in life and production. Dart is used to develop front-end frameworks such as AngularDart, Flutter but I don't know in the future they develop back-end role like java spring or not.

Dart syntax is same java as 90% so that java developer can learn to develop flutter right now.