Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication
and access-control framework. It is the de-facto standard for securing
Spring-based applications.
Spring Security is a framework that focuses on providing both
authentication and authorization to Java applications. Like all Spring
projects, the real power of Spring Security is found in how easily it
can be extended to meet custom requirements
Comprehensive and extensible support for both Authentication and Authorization
Protection against attacks like session fixation, clickjacking, cross site request forgery, etc
Servlet API integration
Optional integration with Spring Web MVC
Much more…
Authentication Architecture
Here is simple spring security architecture that uses UserDetailsService+UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken method
In Spring security, There are some core concepts:
Servlet Filters
Authentication: is used to verify that an user is loginned successfull or not.
Authorization: to know that an loginned user can have permissions to access resources and functions of an application.
Servlet Filters: run on every request. We can use servlet filter to check user token of authentication phase.
AuthenticationProviders: is used to authenticate/validate the User. Spring Framework provides following providers:
- DaoAuthenticationProvider
- LdapAuthenticationProvider
- PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider
- ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider
- JaasAuthenticationProvider
- CasAuthenticationProvider
- RememberMeAuthenticationProvider
- AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
- RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider
- OpenIDAuthenticationProvider
I thinks that, DaoAuthenticationProvider,LdapAuthenticationProvider are so popular in sme companies.
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