1-JSTL Check Equals, not equals
JSTL Check Equals(==), not equals(!=) explains about how to use logical conditions(equals, not equals etc) with JSTL tag
Consider a JSP Page where you need to check a value whether it is equals or not equals and process accordingly, in that scenario, you can follow this example.
On the following table, I am showing 2 different ways (Method 1 & Method 2), you can achieve equals & not equals in JSTL
Logical operation | JSTL Method 1 | JSTL Method 2 |
Equals | Eq | == |
Not Equals | Ne | != |
Required Libraries
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn"%> <html> <head> <title>Check equals(==), not equals(!=)</title> </head> <body> <% // you can also set the values into request scope same as using c:set request.setAttribute("count", 5); %> <!-- you can check "equals(==)" two ways --> <c:if test="${count == 5}"> count equals to 5<br /> </c:if> <!-- you can check "not equals(!=)" two ways --> <c:if test="${count != 4}"> count is not equals 4<br /> </c:if> </body> </html>
2- JSTL c:forEach, c:set
- Với ${farmCodeZonesLabelValueMap} = Map<String, Map<String,String>> =>
duyệt qua mỗi key (String) và value (Map<String,String>)
tạo một select có id="f" + key
các option có name/value là key/value của value (Map<String,String>) nói trên.
<div id="bufferSpace"style="display: none;">
<c:forEach var="zonesMap1" items="${farmCodeZonesLabelValueMap}">
<c:set var="name" value="${zonesMap1.value}" />
<select id="f${zonesMap1.key}" >
<option value="NONE">--- Select ---</option>
<c:forEach var="zonesMap11" items="${name}">
<option value="${zonesMap11.key}">${zonesMap11.value}</option>
- Duyệt các phần tử của một List
<c:forEach items="${treeFarmModelSearchCriteria.zoneList}" var="zoneForm" varStatus="theCount">
<c:set var="status" value="" />
<c:when test="${theCount.count == 1}">
<c:set var="status" value="active" />
<c:set var="status" value="" />
<li class='${status}'> <a data-toggle='tab' href='#izone${zoneForm.zoneId}'><span class='hidden-mobile hidden-tablet'></span><c:out value="${zoneForm.zoneName}"/></a></li>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%> <%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList"%> <% ArrayList<String> numList = new ArrayList<String>(); numList.add("one"); numList.add("two"); numList.add("three"); request.setAttribute("numList", numList); %> <html> <body> <c:forEach items="${numList}" var="item" varStatus="status"> ${status.count}) ${item}<br/> </c:forEach> </body></html>
1) one2) two
3) three
<c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="20" step="1" varStatus ="status"> <c:out value="${i}" /> </c:forEach>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20// Iterate HashMap With JSTL <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%> <%@ page import="java.util.HashMap"%> <% HashMap<String,String> numMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); numMap.put("1","one"); numMap.put("2","two"); numMap.put("3","three"); request.setAttribute("numMap", numMap); %> <html> <body> <c:forEach items="${numMap}" var="entry"> ${entry.key})${entry.value}<br/> </c:forEach> </body> </html>
1) one2) two
3) three
3- c:url & c:param tag
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>JSTL Example With</title>
<c:url value="/index.jsp" context="/JstlJavaScriptTest" var="url" scope="request">
<c:param name="username" value="rockey" ></c:param>
<c:param name="password" value="password123" ></c:param>
<c:url var="url" value="/index.jsp" context="/JSTLExample" scope="session"/>
Kết quả:
4-JSTL forTokens Example
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%> <html> <head> <title> JSTL c:forTokens Example</title> </head> <body> <!-- JSTL forTokens tag for iterating over comma separated Strings --> <c:forTokens var="token" items="Struts, Spring, Hibernate, EJB" delims=","> <c:out value="${token}"/> </br> </c:forTokens> <!-- JSTL forTokens tag for iterating over comma separated Numbers --> <c:forTokens delims="," items="10,15,20,25" var="number"> <c:out value="${number}" default="25"></c:out> </c:forTokens> <!-- JSTL forTokens tag looping numbers from 1 to 10 with step --> <c:forTokens var="item" begin="0" end="10" step="2"> <c:out value="${item}"/><p> </c:forTokens> </body> </html>
5- fn:length() Example
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn"%> <%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList"%> <% ArrayList<String> numList = new ArrayList<String>(); numList.add("one"); numList.add("two"); numList.add("three"); request.setAttribute("numList", numList); %> <html> <body> The length of the numList: ${fn:length(numList)}<br/> The length of the test String: ${fn:length('hello')} </body> </html>
The length of the numList: 3
The length of the test String: 5
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